
What could Louisville’s Great Novena look like?

Louisville’s Great Novena would be first and foremost a prayer to God for renewal and conversion here in our home and beyond. This nine-year prayer initiative would begin in 2024 and culminate in the year 2033. The year 2033 marks the 2000th anniversary of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and the birth of the Catholic Church on the first Pentecost. The purpose of the Great Novena is to continue to create a culture of healing, solidarity, and true transformation in the Archdiocese through the four grassroots entry points of participation for individuals, groups, and organizations at every level of the local Church:

Prayer & Fasting

Discipleship & Formation

Family Outreach & Community Service



Proposed Themes of Each Year

2024-25 – Year of Invitation – “Treasure Buried in a Field” ~ Matthew 13:44

Surrender to the power of prayer for all planning and promotion

2025-26 – Year of Wonder – “He Found It Very Good” ~ Genesis 1:31

You are here. Life is amazing.

2026-27 – Year of Freedom – “Standing on Holy Ground” ~ Exodus 3:5

You are here for a purpose.

2027-28 – Year of Growth – “Blessed Are You Who Believed” ~ Luke 1:45

You can find your purpose.

2028-29 – Year of Healing – “What Are You Looking For?” ~ John 1:38

You can find strength and courage from God to walk the right path.

2029-30 – Year of Love – “Remaining in His Love” ~ John 15:9-10

God loves you even when you fail. You are lovable.

2030-31 – Year of Desire – “The Promise of the Holy Spirit” ~ Acts 2:32-33

God desires our love, and we can choose to love Him back.

2031-32 – Year of Wisdom – “Jesus, Our Hope Behind the Veil” ~  Hebrews 6:19-20

Lord, show us Your Way so we may walk in Your Truth.

2032-33 – Year of Beatitude – “Yes, I Am Coming Soon” ~ Rev 22:17,20

Lord, let Your Face shine on us.

2033-34 – Year of Pentecost – “The Truth Will Set You Free” ~ John 8:31-32
Embrace the Great Commission & the power of Pentecost.

If you are interested in learning more about Louisville's Great Novena, or helping to spread the word, please contact us.